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Yamaha Natural Sound Dual Cassette Tape Deck K-28 Serviced

Yamaha Natural Sound

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14.00 LBS
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Yamaha Natural Sound Dual Cassette Tape Deck

Model K-28, Made in Japan.

Accessories; 1 set of audio cables, attached power cord

Features; Single motor tape mechanisms x2, Normal and high speed dubbing, Auto tape select, normal and Cro2 Chrome tape compatibility. LED peak level meters, Analog tape counter (side A). Side A record and play, Side B playback only. Dolby B noise reduction. The top features with this unit is the quality heads used by Yamaha and the excellent build quality the company is known for in their tape decks

No auto reverse with this Yamaha

This unit was serviced including replacing all 5 belts. Tape heads were cleaned and demagnetized. Tape mechanism was lubricated including both motors

The K-28 is a basic dual cassette tape deck. Testing showed it is working flawless and was capable of quality recording and playback.

Physical condition is very good with only some paint wear on the edhes of the metal face plate

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